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Deborah Gordon

Deborah C. Gordon

Senior Fellow

Deborah C. Gordon, Senior Fellow GFCC, is a Senior Advisor for Longview Fusion Energy Systems, Inc. and several other high technology companies where she helps them bridge the gap in understanding between science, industry and government institutions. Gordon has over 40 years of experience in algorithm design, signal processing, network design, and network security and holds several U.S. and Canadian patents. She is an Affiliate at the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University from which she retired in August 2019 after 22 years as the Stanford Harvard Executive Director of the Preventive Defense Project, co-directed by Sec. William Perry and Sec. Ashton Carter. She is the former Mayor of Woodside, CA and served 17 years on the Town Council. Gordon has Chaired many San Mateo County and California State policy advisory bodies including those addressing energy and water policy. She serves on Boards of Directors for organizations including the Council on Strategic Risks, Probability Management, and the Institute for Security and Technology (founder and director (emerita). Gordon holds a BS in computer science from the University of Southern California.

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